

Code for 3197’s Robot competing in the 2019 challenge, Destination: Deep Space

Class Documentation

Package Description
frc2019.robot.Robot Initializes Robot
frc2019.robot.OI Assigns buttons to Controller
frc2019.robot.Main Starts all Robot Subsystems
frc2019.robot.RobotMap Defines Motor Controller IDs and Constants
frc2019.robot.commands.AlignTurn Turns the Robot using vision from GRIP
frc2019.robot.commands.ArticulateToPreset Sets Arm to a Preset Position
frc2019.robot.commands.AutoClimb Automatically drives Climbers (WIP)
frc2019.robot.commands.ElevateToPreset Sets Elevator to a Preset Position
frc2019.robot.commands.test.DriveTrainRampTest Soon to be erased from existence.
frc2019.robot.commands.test.DriveTrainTest Soon to be erased from existence.
frc2019.robot.commands.presets.Cargo [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
frc2019.robot.commands.presets.LevelOne [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
frc2019.robot.commands.presets.LevelThree [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
frc2019.robot.commands.presets.LevelTwo [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Articulate Moves the Arm (Manipulator at End)
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Climb Drives the Tower Mechanism
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Drive Drives the Robot
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Elevate Moves the Elevator (Contains Arm)
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Erect Moves the Erector (Climber)
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Manipulate Moves the Manipulator (Cargo Shovel)
frc2019.robot.commands.defaults.Speak Moves the Beak on the Arm (Hatch Panel Hook)
frc2019.robot.subsystems.Arm Defines the Arm (Moves Manipulator)
frc2019.robot.subsystems.CargoManipulator Defines the Cargo Manipulator
frc2019.robot.subsystems.Climber Defines the Climber (Tower Mechanism)
frc2019.robot.subsystems.DriveTrain Defines the Drive Train
frc2019.robot.subsystems.Elevator Defines the Elevator (Contains Arm)
frc2019.robot.subsystems.Erector Defines the Erector (Climber)
frc2019.robot.subsystems.Hatch Defines the Hatch Panel Mechanism (Beak)
frc2019.robot.utilities.Drivable Interface for various Subsystems
frc2019.robot.utilities.FunctionWrapper Interface for FunctionCommand
frc2019.robot.utilities.FunctionCommand Abstraction Stuff


Motor Controller Spreadsheet

Controller Configurations

  • Presets in brackets correspond to the Ctrl variant. For example, on Operator, A + Up is equal to Cargo Lv. 3.
  • The A button on both controllers needs to be held in order to access their functions.
  • X and Y control the Hatch Panel Mechanism, henceforth known as the “Bird.”
  • Driver Left Trigger and Right Trigger control the Forward Climber while Driver Left Bumper and Right Bumper control the Backward Climber.
  • Left and Right on all joysticks are currently unused.
  • Controller Map up-to-date as of St. Louis