I2C has been mostly solved as of the 2019 season. On the RoboRIO, the SDA and SCL ports are flipped. To solve this, the SDA and SCL wires on the sensor were physically flipped. In the future, when using I2C sensors, check the sensors documentation and how the wires are arranged, and then physically rearrange to match the RoboRIO ports.

REV Color Sensor V2

The REV Color Sensor V2 is a line sensor that uses I2C to communicate. WPILib contains libraries on communicating with I2C devices, and sending commands to the device require writing bits to specific addresses.

The REV Color Sensor has the I2C address 0x39.

Important Addresses

0x00 is the enable register.

0x12 is the device ID register. Returns a hexadecimal value.

  • 0x60 = TMD37821
  • 0x69 = TMD37823

0x13 is the status register (Read-Only).

0x14 and 0x15 are the low and high Clear data registers respectively.

0x16 and 0x17 are the low and high Red data registers respectively.

0x18 and 0x19 are the low and high Green data registers respectively.

0x1A and 0x1B are the low and high Blue data registers respectively.

0x1C and 0x1D are the low and high Proximity data registers respectively.


The following dependencies are needed:

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.I2C;
import frc2019.robot.Robot;

To enable a device, the following code will work for the REV Color Sensor:

protected final static int COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT = 0x80;

public ColorSensor() {
    sensor = new I2C(I2C.Port.kOnboard, 0x39); // port, I2c address

    sensor.write(COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT | 0x00, 0b00000011); // power on, color sensor on

The following code writes 0b00000011 to 0x00. As of the 2019 season, it is unknown why the bitwise or operation with COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT (0x80) is needed. It is also unknown what 0b00000011 means in the context of the color sensor.

To read from any register, the following code will work:

protected final static int COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT = 0x80;
protected final static int MULTI_BYTE_BIT = 0x20;

protected int readWordRegister(int address) {
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2);
    sensor.read(COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT | MULTI_BYTE_BIT | address, 2, buf);
    return buf.getShort(0);

ByteBuffer creates a bit of buffer for the data from the color sensor to temporarily stay in. The read function reads 2 bytes from the requested address and stores it in the created buffer. It is currently unkown why the bitwise or operations with COMMAND_REGISTER_BIT (0x80) and MULTI_BYTE_BIT (0x20) are needed.

For example, to read the amount of red the color sensor is picking up, you would use the following commands:

protected final static int RDATA_REGISTER = 0x16;

public int red() {
    return readWordRegister(RDATA_REGISTER);

This would essentially read from 0x16 and return the lower red byte. Unless if necessary, the upper byte registers usually will not be used.

For debugging purposes, the read and write functions return true if aborted, and false if the operation was successfully completed.