
The class frc2019.robot.Robot is the main class that contains the functions that initializes the robot.

Subsystems should be initialized here.


public static SubsystemBoi subsystemBoi = new SubSystemBoi();

Network tables should also be initialized here.


public static NetWorkTableInstance ntInst = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault();
public static NetworkTable table;


public void robotInit()

Initializes the Robot.

public void robotPeriodic()

Code that runs periodically goes here.

public void disabledInit()

Initializes disabled mode.

public void disabledPeriodic()

Code that runs periodically while the robot is disabled goes here.

public void autonomousInit()

Initializes autonomous mode.

public void autonomousPeriodic()

Code that runs periodically while the robot is in autonomous goes here.

public void teleopInit()

Initializes teleop mode.

public void teleopPeriodic()

Code that runs periodically while the robot is in teleop goes here.

public void testInit()

Initializes test mode.

public void testPeriodic()

Code that runs periodically while the robot is in test goes here.