
RobotMap deefines multiple parts of the Robot. Essentially, it “maps” out the robot by defining multiple different parts and constants.


public static final double visionTargetArea = 32000;


No Dependencies


public static enum CANSparkMaxID

Numbers the CANSparkMax motor controllers.

See Motor Controller Spreadsheet for more details.

public static enum ElbowPreset

Sets the preset positions for the arm when placing Hatch Panels or Cargo.

public static enum ElevatorPreset

Sets the preset positions for the elevator when placing Hatch Panels or Cargo.

public static enum DeadbandType

Sets the deadband for specific motors. Deadband is in decimal percent (10% = 0.1)

public static enum DriveTrainSide

Used only for Drive Train Test. Sets options for left, right, or both sides of the drive train.

public static enum CANSparkPID

Sets PID values for CANSparkMax’s. Used but all 0’s so useless.

public static enum ElevatorPID

Sets PID values for the Elevator motors. Used but all 0’s so useless.

public static enum Channel

Defines ports where Gyros are placed.

public static enum GyroSensitivity

Defines multiplier for Gyro stuff.

public static enum MaxSpeeds

Defines multipliers that sets max speeds for certain motors.

public static enum RobotType

Defines which robot is being used, A-Bot or B-Bot.